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#Fiscally advantageous by cycling to work.

Cycling is good for your health and has little impact on the environment. And it is also increasingly the best option financially. It is therefore not surprising that more and more people choose the bicycle over the car for their daily commute to work and home. Many employers offer their staff attractive options for purchasing or leasing a bicycle. We have listed the most interesting options for you.

#What options are available to the employee?

1. Lease a company bicycle.

A growing number of employers are including the bicycle as a mobility option in the employment conditions for their staff. Since January 2020, the tax rules for a lease construction have been greatly simplified. As an employee with a lease bicycle, you can now also use the bicycle for private kilometers, without registration.



The government charges an additional 7% on the new value. The employee pays the additional costs via the pay slip. This usually involves only a few euros per month [example: for a bicycle with a new price of € 2,000, the monthly additional costs are approximately € 4.50].



It is up to the employer to determine whether the employee must also contribute to the monthly lease costs. And not entirely unimportant: are you an employee and do you currently receive a travel allowance? The reimbursement for bicycle kilometers expires if you use the lease bicycle. It is therefore important to carefully weigh the costs and benefits of the scheme in relation to the current situation.


2. Buy a bicycle with a company tax benefit.

A company bicycle, as explained above, is and remains a company bicycle. When an employment contract is terminated, the employee must return the bicycle. For those who would prefer to become the owner of the bicycle themselves, there is another route possible.


Work cost scheme.

Employers may spend a limited amount tax-free on work costs within the work costs scheme (WKR). This specifically concerns services or goods that are also useful to you privately. A bicycle, for example. The employer pays for the bicycle and makes the entire amount or part available within the WKR.


Pay an average of 40% less.

The amount is withheld from the gross salary, spread over a number of installments. The result? A tax benefit for the employer and the employee. As an employee, you will temporarily receive a lower salary, but the amount of tax you have to pay on your income will also be lower. On balance, you pay on average 40% less than if you were to purchase the bicycle without intervention from the employer.


3. Buy a bicycle through the company with an interest-free loan. 

An employer has limited fiscal scope for work costs. The purchase of a bicycle is also included in the work costs. Are there other plans with the free space within the work costs scheme? Then the interest-free loan is an interesting alternative. As an employee, you do not have to pay the purchase price of the new bicycle in one go, but spread it over several periods. There is no tax benefit, but there is the option to repay with salary, leave hours or travel expenses. This can be quite interesting in some situations, for example when there is a surplus of holiday hours.


4. Higher travel allowance. 

There is another option, which should not actually be characterized as a scheme. It is an incentive to cycle more often, in the form of a financial incentive.


23 cents per kilometer tax-free.

Employers may pay their employees up to 23 cents per kilometer tax-free for travel kilometers. Of course you can spend this money on fuel or maintenance of your car. However, you can also buy a bicycle or e-bike and save money.


Avoiding administrative hassle.

As an employee, do you find it difficult to get your employer to agree to one of the schemes? Many organizations work with parties that take care of administrative matters relating to the company bicycle or work costs. Good for your employer. But it also offers you as an employee a lot of convenience, because you immediately know what you can purchase. Placing an order is usually just as easy as with the average webshop. Ask your employer whether he collaborates with a party such as Fiscfree, HelloRider, Lease a Bike, and you will usually quickly know what options you have.


#Tax benefit?

Your employer offers the bicycle plan. But how do you get a tax benefit? You choose a new bicycle yourself, but your employer pays for it. In fact, you have a debt to your employer, which you can repay by temporarily reducing your gross salary. Because your gross salary is temporarily reduced, you also pay less income tax. And that's the thing!


Calculating example.

Suppose you buy a bicycle for € 1,000. This means that you also have to pay € 1,000 x 40% = € 400 less tax at the end of the year. So you keep that in your pocket! Although you received €1,000 less pay, you exchanged it for a bicycle of the same value. This saved you €400 in tax, which you would have had to pay if you had received €1,000 more wages. Because you can now keep that €400, the bicycle did not cost you €1,000, but €1,000 - €400 = €600. The 40% tax on your salary has changed into a 40% benefit on your bicycle.


#Is a lease bike a good option for me?

I already have a lease car.

Even if you already have a lease car, a lease bike is interesting for you! A business lease bicycle is considerably cheaper than if you were to buy a bicycle yourself or lease a bicycle privately. In addition, with a lease bike you will no longer have to worry about traffic jams or full parking spaces! Do you only want to use the bicycle privately? That is also allowed.


I already receive compensation for my public transport card.

Even if you receive compensation for traveling by public transport, a lease bicycle is interesting for you! Because you can offset any costs against your gross salary, a business lease bicycle will be considerably cheaper than if you were to buy a bicycle yourself or lease a bicycle privately. It is not mandatory to use the bicycle for commuting, so you can only use the bicycle for private use if you wish.


I receive travel expenses.

Whether a business lease bicycle is interesting for you depends on a number of things. This depends, for example, on the distance between your home address and your work, the amount of the travel allowance you now receive and the number of days you plan to use the bicycle for commuting. Click here to calculate what a lease bike would cost you.


I do not receive any reimbursement for expenses.

Because the costs of the business lease bicycle can be offset against your gross salary or possibly even with extra-statutory vacation days, this is also interesting for you! This gives you significant savings compared to buying a bicycle yourself or leasing a bicycle privately. It is not mandatory to use the bicycle for commuting, so you can only use the bicycle for private use if you wish.

#How does the ordering process work?

Step 1


Select/choose your Lindtbergh model.

Step 2


Request a lease agreement.

Step 3



Complete your lease application.

Step 4


Wait for the approval.

Step 5


Lindtebergh indicates the delivery time.

Step 6


Your Lindtbergh model will be delivered to your home.

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