In recent years, the eBike has become a very popular object among bicycle thieves. Research has shown that 1 in 10 eBikes is stolen. The high value of an electric bicycle and the increasing risk of theft mean that many people choose to insure their electric bicycle. And that's a good idea! You can insure your eBike in various ways and you often have the choice of basic insurance or additional insurance. In the first year, you will receive our mobility insurance as a gift when you purchase a Lindtbergh electric bicycle.Your one-year mobility insurance starts automatically from the date of purchase of your Lindtbergh bike. After purchase, Lindtbergh will activate the service upon handover of your bike and provide you with your service card. After one year you will automatically be informed well in advance of the free term. If desired, you can extend the mobility insurance with the insurer.

Lindtbergh insurance.
If you choose to take out an electric bicycle insurance, you choose the best insurance at Lindtbergh.
Doing some shopping or rather a long trip through the woods? Whatever you use your electric bicycle for, with Kingpolis and ENRA Electric Bicycle Insurance your electric bicycle is well insured all over the world. Insurer Kingpolis and ENRA Bicycle Insurance is a great and reliable partner in the field of insurance. In addition to the good service, you also benefit from the affordable premium. With Kingpolis and ENRA's Bicycle Insurance basic electric bicycle insurance you can insure your electric bicycle against theft or damage. But you can also take out both coverages. If you bought accessories with your purchase, these can also be insured. Choose what suits you best. You can also take out additional insurance for your electric bicycle. You can choose from Legal Assistance, Accidents and Roadside Assistance.

Lindtbergh insurance.
Save yourself all the misery and insure your purchase against all inconveniences.
If you have become curious and interested in taking out Kingpolis or ENRA Bicycle Insurance for your electric bicycle, you can call us on 088-564872 [soon operational] for further information and premiums. In the Consumer Association's Test for the best bicycle insurance, Kingpolis comprehensive insurance once again came out as one of the best for e-bikes in this annual test. You can easily take out your eBike bicycle insurance when purchasing your new Lindtbergh eBike. Lindtbergh will give you the first year of mobility insurance as a gift.
Curious about the Lindtbergh eBikes? Schedule a no-obligation 30-day test drive at home.
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